MusssWiki Erweiterungen
Videoflash <videoflash>-dnL00TdmLY</videoflash>
Mehr Infos
Flash Variante 1
Flash Variante 2
Base Syntax
Attribute Reference
- width=px or % (Modify the width of the object)
- height=px or a% (Modify the height of the object)
- play=true/false (Start playing the file or wait at first frame, default:true)
- loop=true/false (Loop the animation, default:true)
- quality=low/autolow/medium/high/autohigh/best (Predefine the quality)
- devicefont=true/false (Change the look of the text used in flash file)
- bgcolor=#?????? (? -> Hexadecimal integer: 0-9, A-F)
- scale=showall/noborder/exactfit (Automatically adjust content to width and height)
- menu=true/false (Show or hide the menu on right-click)
- align
- salign
- base
- wmode
- SeamlessTabbing
- flashvars=?var1=value1&var2=value2 (communicate two variables var1 and var2 to the movie)
- name (object-specific)
- id (embed-specific)
- movie (object-specific)
- src (embed-specific)